Friday, April 10, 2009

April's 10 on the 10th

Taking the advice of my friend and blogmate Rebbecca I am going to do the 10 on the 1o. This is where you list the 10 ten things you enjoy, memories you have, reasons to be grateful, favorite foods, whatever. Just list 10 things on the 10th of each month that bring you happiness.

  1. That he called Judas his friend AFTER Judas had already betrayed him.

  2. He showed meekness not weakness. Meekness is having POWER and choosing not to use it. (Matthew26:53)

  3. Although he knew Peter was going to betray him he loved him just the same.

  4. In the mist of his trail when the rooster crowed the third time, he knew exactly where Peter was! He look at Peter with love and empathy.

  5. That he spoke not a word when they falsely accused him!

  6. The only words he did speak during his trial were to verify his divinity
  7. Jesus did not complain once during his trial and execution.

  8. Jesus prayed for me (and the whole world) in the mist of his suffering. (Luke 23:34)That prayer was for his enemies and embraced the world, taking in every sinner who should live, until the end of time!

  9. Jesus took the time to comfort others in the mist of his most excruciating pain. First the thief, then then his earthy mother
  10. After proclaiming "It is finished" his death brought life immediately as some of the graves of the saints open and they were raised from the dead. (Matthew 27:52)

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