Saturday, March 14, 2009


ABCDEFG - Hooked on Phonics did not teach me . . . anything about this word! If English 101 shared more of these wonderful word puzzles, maybe just maybe I would have been a english major. I do know that this 15-syllable contrivance is a phobia. But a fear of what? When you break down the word it looks like the fear of hippos and monsters that are equipped! I would be afraid of a monstrous hippo that is well equipped…especially in the spring!

A word like Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia should not present fear but respect and wonder of the unlimited use of the english language. Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia is the fear of long words.

I am not afraid of long words..bring them on! I like long words…words over 13 letters or more. Words are powerful tools! And the longer your tool the better! So I challeng you to get out your short tools and sharpen them against some new impressive words. If you would like to lessen your Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia or chances of ever contracting it I challenge you to submit to me one or two long words. What qualifies as a long word? 13 letters or more. I will start the list with the longest word in the dictionary:

(WOW that is 45 letters! [and a real word too])

Alright show me what you got and don't be afraid!

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