Saturday, March 14, 2009

What to Wear Part III

[C]lothe yourselves with kindness ….
Colossians 3:12

"Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me!" What a falsehood! Many of unkind words hurled at me in childhood had tattered my ego, shattered my self esteem and damaged my self-perspective. Whether it is our words or our deeds the lack of kindness is killing people all around us. Some die slow, painful, emotional deaths and some suffer quick destruction. All at the hands of unkindness. Kindness is the restorative power, the source of healing and life - it is the garment tucked in the closet of a well dress Christian.

[C]lothe yourselves with kindness ….
Colossians 3:12

Every "suicide prevented" story in Chicken Soup books was prevented by the act of kindness. Oftentimes small acts of kindness. Now that is power! Power to change lives. Incredible power to save lives and prepare souls for eternity.
Think kindness isn't all that great of a power? Consider the influence of Jesus' kindness and the effect it has had on human existence now and evermore. The kindness and tenderness as He chose to die for a hateful murderous, sinful people (myself included). His kindness held Him to His cause as they beat Him, spit on Him, ripped His bread from His face and then viciously nailed Him to the cross. It was kindness that held Him on the cross...rose Him from the dead and causes Him to return for His beloved. Kindness is the ultimate power and triumphant force of God.

We have been commanded to [C]lothe yourselves with kindness. Are you following the divine command? Have you been too busy to wear any kindness lately? Do you take it on and off, depending on your mood, or who you are with? Sometimes we are least kind to the people we love the most. It seems we save our kind behavior for people we don't see very often, as though it were in short supply. We all really need to show kindness to everyone around us. God has plenty of it, so wear it proudly. You will look terrific!

[C]lothe yourselves with kindness ….
Colossians 3:12

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